Summer Function Reflection from Adm Walker

I think Friday's cocktail party was a great success. The sun shone, Tower Bridge went up and down a few times to let ships and boats pass and the view from the Quarter Deck was spectacular. The sunset was awesome, but the company was even better. If you missed it this year, start planning for 2016 and don't forget to put the second Friday in October in your diary now for the Blood Red Dinner on board Warrior in Portsmouth Harbour. There are only about 280 tickets, and already, before booking is open, there have been several statements of interest. Your Committee is considering holding the 2016 West-Country Blood Red Dinner at Dartmouth. This might be an opportunity for many to return for the first time since passing out - indeed, why not try to make this a reunion of those from your year / class? Our Club is only as strong as it's members. Support it to help it thrive whether you be young or old, serving or retired.  Alasdair WalkerMDG(N)