Blood Red Dinner Update

I was fortunate to have 2 willing Volunteers in Surgeon Rear Admiral McArthur and Surgeon Commodore McNeil Love to try the final choices for BRD at Greenwich last week.

It was actually quite a challenge, but the outcome will further add to an amazing evening. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for anyone, but certainly the starter is a totally new experience to all of the tasters, and so is perfect for the RNMC that was started on the principle of being a dining club.

The choice for main course was a surprise as the odds on favourite before the tasting was beaten hands down by the winner. It will be the highlight of the dinner!

The only argument was about the desert, but the Admiral put his foot down and so he got his way.  The wine was again a very easy choice to make as Greenwich had given us perfect suggestions to match the food and once more, will further make the evening perfect for all the RNMC members.

So those of you who have yet to buy your tickets, hurry up, as not long left now. The Web Site going live will make those purchases much easier as the payment and the application form are now together.

Finally, the shop is now also live and so you can start buying the new cummerbunds and enamel cufflinks to give your mess undress the finishing touch.