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RNMC Dinner at The In & Out Naval and Military Club - 12 November 2021.

In a slight break from tradition following COVID-19, the RNMC will be hosting a special dinner for club members. Many 20/21 leavers may not have had the opportunity to enjoy a mess dinner before departing the RN, so this is an opportunity to get back together with colleagues, celebrate, and if so wished don your mess dress.

The dinner is open to all RNMS members, but initial priority (in the first week of open bookings) will be given to those who have left service during COVID. We are limited to a maximum of 160 people, so we will initially invite you to bring one guest (but will let you know if we are able to extend this to other guests, on a first-come-first-served basis).

We plan to return to the formal Blood Red Dinners in the Autumn of 2022 (all Rtd RNMS members will be entitled to attend).

We will be hosting this dinner at the In & Out Naval and Military Club.

Date: Friday 12 November 2021.

Timings: 1830 Drinks reception, 1930 Call for dinner, 2359 carriages

Address: No 4, St James’ Square, London SW1Y 4JU

On arrival you will be welcomed by a drinks reception, followed by a delicious 3-course dinner, with accompanying drinks. On completion of the dinner, we will move to the Cowdray Room for a cash bar until midnight.

A cloakroom will be available for guests.

The venue has advised us there is no additional accommodation available on this date, however, there are many local options.

Rig: 2Bs with club cummerbunds or equivalent (full-length evening dress, on the shoulders). Those who have left since Mar 20, are welcome to wear their 2Bs if desired. Or alternatively, you are welcome to wear black tie/full-length evening dress on the shoulders. Miniatures can be worn.

Earlier Event: 1 October
Autumn Function 2021